Hugo Bjork

On this page I share some of my experiences, both school projects and home endeavors.

[email protected]

(46) 707232389



Discover the power of combining BERT and VADER models in sentiment analysis. Explore how I integrated these models, conducted experiments, and evaluated their performance on various datasets, while enhancing my skills in data handling and gaining insights into natural language processing techniques.



I attended an insightful lab series at Linkoping University in Fall 2022, exploring essential machine learning concepts. The labs covered software, classification, regression, model selection, decision trees, dimensionality reduction, Kernels, and neural networks, igniting my interest for the field.



Check out the 'Aissistant'. It showcases a Next.js and React-based frontend, coupled with Django as the backend framework. The website offers a 'Trello' like board integration and a powerful writing assistant, fueled by the openAI API. Experience improved writing and productivity tools firsthand!



Explore my AI projects at Linkoping University! Witness a virtual vacuum cleaner robot equipped with a heat map feature and a self-learning rocket trained using the Q-learning algorithm. Feel free to check out the code on GitHub and experience their impressive capabilities firsthand.

Figma 101


My Figma learning journey offered invaluable insights into design principles, aspect ratios, and affordance. Witness my first Figma project - a reimagined web bank, where I applied these skills. Figma is now indispensable for all my design projects, enabling innovative and visually appealing creations.

Support Desk


Exploring MongoDB and Redux Toolkit in a Full-Stack Adventure. Coming from a SQL background, I eagerly embraced MongoDB and the challenges of Redux Toolkit. Have a peek at my first MERN stack app, I learned a lot crafting this application using these powerful technologies.



In another section of Brad's course, I engaged in a project using Firebase and React. The aim was a website for property listings. Despite my early web development stage, I got a good introduction to Firebase, user authentication, and design, boosting my practical skills. A rewarding experience overall.

Github Finder


Personalized GitHub Page: Exploring the Depths with Brad Traversy's Course, utilizing its REST API to fetch essential data. The journey led me to dive into the Context API, unraveling the power of reducers. Join me as I unveil my site, a testament to my growth and newfound understanding during this fun project.